Time Strategies


I think it is very important, at least for myself, to create some sort of plan for what I want to accomplish each week. Photo by: Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Time management is a struggle for most people. I feel that I especially struggled with it when I first got to college, but have now gotten the hang of it. I don't necessarily work by a schedule, instead I do as much as I can when I have free time and feel that I have the mental capacity to turn off Netflix and get to work. This does sometimes become an issue, so I will really have to focus on getting the work done. Instead of working on an hourly schedule, I plan to schedule my time by finishing 2-3 assignments on the days that I don't have any class, focusing on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday.

In, "How to build a realistic study plan that you’ll actually stick to" by Amanda Collins, she discussed checklist. I love checklists because they make me feel as though I have accomplished something and it motivates me to continue to finish work.

To create a checklist that can make me feel good about my accomplishments, big and small, I will write down the assignments due that week and then cross them off as I go so I have something tangible to see what I have done!


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