Feedback Thoughts


Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it by Guy Winch: 
I absolutely loved this article. I think it is very important to understand why our brains work the way they do, and the description in this article was very informative and comforting in a way. It is nice to know that the reason our brains are wired that way is due to things people had gone through in the past. In addition to all the points this article makes, I think there is the point that wasn't necessarily highlighted: the fact that all humans are wired this way, to associate rejection and criticism with the feeling of pain. I think a step to reminding youself to not be so hard on yourself is to remember that everyone feels that way sometimes. Everyone around you thinks they have flaws, thinks people are being critical of them all the time, and gets down on themselves.

I also think this article is extremely relevant at this point in my life, as well as anyone trying to enter the real job world. Rejection is so hard, especially when it comes from a job opportunity that you really want. I think that people that are hiring need to be more aware of this. I always considered myself good at take criticism. Playing soccer my whole life, you had to take criticism all the time from coaches, teammates and parents. I took it in stride and aimed to correct what I needed to until I recently was rejected from an job opportunity by the reasoning "I was just not a good fit." This kind of response, without any explanation is horrible. Was I not professional enough? Experienced enough? Did I sound dumb? While the world will not cater to making sure you aren't hurt, it is important to make sure you prove these thoughts wrong. I have to remind myself that I have worked hard. I love people and they love me. I am going to be a good fit somewhere. 

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt by John Spencer
In society today, with social media so present in our lives, it is so easy to compare yourself to people. Number one in Spencer's article: Don't compare yourself to others. This is not an easy task. She has the perfect body, she is so successful, she is having so much fun. It is so crucial for your own mental health to tell yourself, I am doing a good job, I am doing my best. To his other points, I think setting attainable goals is crucial. So often, I set goals for myself that are just too hard to reach, which often leads to me giving up. I need to better acknowledge my accomplishments. He also mentions trusting yourself. I know that I am capable of doing well in a lot of things. This is so important to keep in mind when feeling rejection. Yes, someone may be correcting me, but it is to make me better. There is always room for growth in any area of your life.

A sign that says no. This is how rejection feels, but hey you can always just walk around signs! Or maybe let them point you in a new direction! It is important to be open to change and growth. Image by: Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash


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