Here are my notes for the Jewish Fairy Tales Part B. I am just going to continue with writing for each story.
The Sleep of One Hundred Years: A man wonders through to find Jerusalem. He falls asleep, exhausted, after seeing that the great city had been destroyed. He slept for 100 years to wake to a new world. He finds that Jerusalem has been rebuilt, and asks people for himself? Then he finds his grandson who is like really old too. He decides he is not of this world and dies the same place he slept for 100 years.
King for Three Days: Godfrey was a was a warrior whose mission was to destroy the Jews. A rabbi predicts the future and says he will defeat Jerusalem and rule as king for 3 days, but this has a catch. The prophecy comes true.
The Higgledy-Piggledy Palace: Abraham was scared that the king would take his wife, Sarah, because she was beautiful. He hid her in a box and tried to take her across the border, offering to pay whatever he needed to as long as they didn't open the box. They opened the box. His wife was sent to the king. The king liked. Sarah was called to the king, and then the king was placed under God's curse. He let her go.
The Rabbi's Bogey-Man: Rabbi lion makes a frankenstein/robot woman. She lit a house on fire on accident. Then he made a man version, which the kids called the Bogey-Man. The king wanted him. The Bogey-Man wanted to be a soldier for the king. The Rabbi destroyed the Bogey-Man because he'd gone rogue and was going to destroy the holy book and the Jews.
The Fairy Frog: Hanina's parents were dying. Their dying wish was for him to mourn for 7 days then go buy the first thing offered at the market. He paid a lot for a casket that couldn't be open till passover feast. When opened, it had a frog. They fed the frog and it grew huge and they grew poor. The frog ended up being a genie basically, cause it could grant wishes. The frog supplied them wish great wealth, told them he was "the fairy son of Adam", and hopped away.
A normal frog, but it looks pretty wise in my opinion. Could be the fairy frog, you never know! Photo by
Samuel Giacomelli on
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