Reading Notes: Brer Rabbit Part A

 Only the ones I liked! Joel Chandler Harris's series of books of Brer Rabbit tales

Brer Rabbit and The Tar-Baby. Image Source

The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story:
I really enjoyed this story because of its humor! Brer Rabbit has some funny insults for the tar baby. Here's a little list of some that he called it- "'fore I kick the natural stuffing out of you" and "don't turn him loose he butt her cranksided". I also like that after every attempt to get the tar baby to speak, the author reiterates that the tar baby didn't say anything. That added humor, I am not really sure why I thought that was funny though. I did genuinely expect the fox to eat the rabbit, I am glad these stories are a more light hearted!

Why Mr. Possum Loves Peace: So I am writing this note before reading any of the story... I am interested in this immediately because I really don't think of opossoms as peaceful. That face they make when they are hissing? Very scary. I wonder if I could rewrite this to be "Why Mr. Possom Hates Peace". Oh it's because he plays dead... that makes sense. Are opossoms actually ticklish?

Random Note: I am getting Tom and Jerry vibes between Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit, what if I did a cartoon spinoff with those two characters?

Mr. Wolf Makes a Failure: I wasn't convinced that I loved this one at first because I kept mixing up Brer Wolf and Brer Fox at first, but the conclusion was really funny. I love how clever and cunning Brer Rabbit is and how he was able to fool Brer Fox. I am not sure how I could include this in my story. Maybe I could do a Sleeping Beauty spin off? Or a Little Red Riding hood spin off?

The Awful Fate of Mr. Wolf: I like that the beginning note of this story refers to cartoons and how these stories are kind of similar in how the animals can retunr even after meeting their fate. I highly doubt a dog could tear up a wolf, I suppose it is a cartoon story though. I made a comment earlier in these notes about how I was glad these stories had light hearted endings. Well, even though the wolf kind of deserved it, what a way to go. Maybe it would be funny to write super light hearted story with basically sunlight and daisies and then add a horrific ending?


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