Week 7 Story: Animal's Speculate About Why Chickens Can't Fly


Chicken on the run. Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

Let's dive into why chickens are bad fliers from the point of view from other animals. We interviewed many different animals of all types to find out what they think the reason chickens don't reach the sky.

Bald Eagle- A bird's eye view.

Interviewer: So, Mr. Bald Eagle, today we would like to get your perspective on why chickens are unable to fly like you can?

Bald Eagle: I mean, they suck? Like, there are some pretty cool birds in this world. Obviously, I am the supreme bird, but parrots are pretty cool and hawks are pretty scary. I feel like we all have some sort of cool personality type. I am simply the strongest, best flier in the world.

Interviewer: Okay Mr. Bald Eagle, that's great. But you didn't really answer the question?

Bald Eagle: It's because they have no confidence. They live to hatch some food for humans, and then they are killed as food for humans. They are so weighed down with life that they don't have the strength to fly.

The consensus from the bald eagle: Chickens have no confidence, therefore they cannot fly.

Raccoon- Insight of a scavenger.

*We discovered Rancid Roxy, a local raccoon, digging through a trashcan.

Interviewer: We apologize for disturbing you, but we were curious as to what you believe the reasoning is that chickens cannot fly?

Roxy: Well, first of all, have y'all ever had a spicy nugget from Wendy's? I just scored some from the can on 123 Food Blvd. 10/10 recommend. Those chickens are real darn good in some spicy seasons. Anyways, they can't fly because they have no wings. See these paws here? I am a bandit. I steal little chicken nuggets with these paws.

Interviewer: Chickens do in fact have wings.

Roxy: No. They don't. I have stolen many chickens from the cans on this street. They come in nugget form and big nugget form and sometimes with a big white stick in the middle, but no feathers, no wings. Chickens don't have wings. I don't have wings. Neither of us can fly. No wings, no flight. Now leave, I smell something in the can down the street.

The consensus from the raccoon: Chickens have no wings. Don't try to reason with a raccoon.

Dolphin- Under the sea.

Interviewer: We are so happy to be swimming with you today. Now we know you probably are unfamiliar with a chicken, so we brought along a picture for you. For context, even though chickens have wings, they are unable to fly. Why do you think this is?

Dolphin: HI HI HI! LOOK AT THIS TRICK! Also, according to my knowledge of aviation and required wing size for flight, the proportions of this chicken, you say, simply do not allow for flight. Their flight muscles are just too big and their small wings cannot support flight for such a large body. Now grab my fin, you're a bad swimmer.

The consensus from the dolphin: Chickens have too small of wings to support their large body mass. 

Author's note: I based this story off the Nigerian Folk Stories that I read this week. I found that many of them discussed the reason why certain animals have the qualities that they do. For example, one story explained that elephants have small eyes and worms are blind because an elephant stole a worm's eyes. I wanted to do a fun spin on this and interview other animals on their reasoning for why chickens are bad at flying. Another aspect I tried to incorporate was that one story gave a monkey a personality through their thoughts and words. I tried to give each of the interviewed animals their own personality!


  1. Hey Brooklin,
    I found your story quite entertaining and humorous to read. Your story seemed like it was fun to write, as well as creative for writing it interview style. You described every animals’ personalities and all of their dialogue perfectly. I could definitely see the bald eagle saying he’s the best, the raccoon being naïve, and the dolphin being overly excited but also rational.
    I can’t wait to read more of your stories!

  2. Hey Brooklin!
    I loved your story! I haven't seen anyone take on an interview approach and I think it worked really well. Giving the animals different personalities based off of their unique lifestyles was a great touch. If animals could talk, I bet they would speak similar to how you portrayed them in your story. I look forward to reading more from you!

  3. Hi Brooklin,
    This story was a lot of fun to read. The interview style was a unique take on it as well. I'd have to respectfully disagree with the bald eagle on chickens, however. Chickens are ruthless descendants of dinosaurs who know no fear of death or the gods. That said, it is of course fitting for an eagle to be prideful and to think that about chickens.

  4. Hi Brooklin! I really enjoyed your story because it was very funny. I like how you gave the animals actual thoughts and personalities through their dialogue. This seemed like a really fun short story and I have not seen anyone else in the class do a story like this which I like! Are you going to continue writing stories from animal points of view? I think that might be fun! (this is Syd, I am using my boyfriends laptop)

  5. Hello Brooklyn!
    Let me just say I was smiling when I initially saw the picture and began to read the story. I was not expecting to read about chickens. This reminded me of animal farm but the funny version of it and I love it! I loved that you gave the animal life and a voice. It gives the story a different perspective and it makes the story fun to read. I honestly loved the story itself but I would proofread and spellcheck because there were some grammatical errors. Good job overall!

  6. Hello Brooklyn!
    Let me just say I was smiling when I initially saw the picture and began to read the story. I was not expecting to read about chickens. This reminded me of animal farm but the funny version of it and I love it! I loved that you gave the animal life and a voice. It gives the story a different perspective and it makes the story fun to read. I honestly loved the story itself but I would proofread and spellcheck because there were some grammatical errors. Good job overall!

  7. Hello!
    When first starting your story I really did not know what to expect but it definitely was not other animals talking about why chickens cannot fly. I love how you put it in an interview instead of just writing a story. It made it fun to read and kept me interested in it. I think my favorite part of the story is how the raccoon thinks that chickens don't have wings because he eats them in nugget form.

  8. Hello Brooklin!
    This story was quite comical throughout the reading, with each animal giving commentary almost as if they were watching attempts at flight as they spoke. The writing style was differentiated from the usual story format, and I really enjoyed it. The racoon was my favorite animal of the three. Like has he never seen a real live chicken? That was pretty funny.


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