Week 12 Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales Part B

 More notes on section B of the English Fairy Tales.

Bodiam Castle – East Sussex England. This is what I imagine Mr. Fox's murder castle to look like. Photographer Unknown- Found on Twisted Sifter

Note to self: This is a note after reading all the stories. I am putting it at the beginning so I am reminded right away. If you are looking for a story idea, either use Mr. Fox or one from the previous section of the English Fairy Tales. I was not a huge fan of the stories in this section and found myself dozing off a bit. I should try to get more sleep.

I know I am supposed to only write about my favorites, but Henny-Penny was so not good that I feel it should be mentioned. Each paragraph was the exact same with a new name added. Then they literally all die except Henny-Penny and the hen never even accomplishes what the whole story was about? Like why?

Mr. Fox: Okay this was so creepy! Gave me the same vibes I got in the last section where it sounds like a scary stories in the dark story. So, Mr. Fox is basically a serial killer. It is lucky that Lady Mary's brothers were at that dinner so that Mr. Fox was killed instantly. So I am assuming Mr. Fox was going to kill Lady Mary after they were wed. It may be fun to do a story of how he captured the young girl that was killed in front of Lady Mary in this story from that girl's point of view. Sounds a bit gruesome but could be a cool spin!

Johnny Cake: first of all, why did they even chase the cake? Like, make another one? But also these stories are SO REPETITIVE! I have the same complaint about this story as I did with Henny-Penny, why would I want to read the same exact paragraph over and over with literally one new name each time. At least this one had a good ending where the fox outsmarts the um... cake lol.


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