Week 13 Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales Part B

 Here are some short summary notes to help me remember the stories! I will also note any details that I think are interesting or could be useful in writing this week's story. The stories are from Celtic Fairy Tales Reading B.

King O'Toole and His Goose: I'm not entirely sure what this diversion is that they speak of. Good king grows old. Goose who gets him food grows old too. Saint guy in disguise offers to make King's goose as good as new. Saint guy does this and King gives him all the land the goose flew over. Saint reveals himself.

The Shee An Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire: Man asks the king for daughter's hand in marriage. King has already killed 11 suiters for not discovering why this G thing stopped laughing. Really long story. Somebody killed G guy's sons brutally so he didn't laugh anymore. Man and G thing got revenge and G thing laughed. This quote should help: "Shee an Gannon had become his cowboy, had guarded the five golden cows and the bull without horns, cut off the heads of the five-headed giant, killed the wizard hare, and brought his own twelve sons to life."

Beth Gellert: This was really sad. Prince leaves town and comes back to see his dog's teeth dripping with blood. He can't find his child but discovers lots of blood and thinks the dog has killed his son. The Prince stabs the dog and kills him, only to find that his son is beneath the crib and the dog had actually killed a wolf that was trying to get the baby. The prince couldn't bring the dog back to life so he buried it and then grieved. I want to rewrite this where something magical happens that makes the dog come back to life to make me feel better.

The Tale of Ivan: Cornish story. This has a lot of cheesy life lessons in it. That's all I have to say.

Andrew Coffey: A man bounced out of a cupboard? Was he an abnormally small man? I don't like that this isn't explained in that same sentence. I am bothered by the man in the cupboard. How does this man in the cupboard think he can demand a story? I am annoyed with him. OH, HE IS A GHOSTY! I didn't like this story.

Terrifying picture from the Brewery of Eggshells story. Photo from Celtic Fairy Tales section of Reading.

Brewery of Eggshells: This picture alone made me not want to read this but I will give it a try. The mom leaves and comes back, the twins seem fine. Detail of passing some ghosts on her way home. Twins do not grow after this. Mom throws babies into lake after they say some creepy poem. Goblins bring real babies back. Very very strange story.


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